Follow these steps to fill out an online job application for Dollar Tree, which you will need if you intend to apply for a job at their dollar stores, warehouses, or to set your corporate career in motion. You will also be able to download a PDF application and see the requirements that you must […]
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Walmart job applications
Even though applying for a job at Walmart online is still the preferred method for most candidates, you could also fill out a PDF application to then print it and hand it over yourself at one of their stores. So we will see the two ways in which you can start your career at Walmart, […]
Social-networking web systems: Opportunities for humanitarian information management
By Soenke Ziesche Published April 12th, 2007 1.0 Introduction The access to timely information is critical for relief operations in emergency and disaster situations. This requires a concise information management. In such a situation usually a number of actors, i.e. the local government, UN organizations, NGOs, are involved who depend on information, e.g. what is […]
Rwanda’s Women: The Key to Reconstruction
Heather B. Hamilton Washington, D.C. The challenge of reconstructing the physical and social structure of Rwanda seems like an overwhelming task to most observers. The country is economically ravaged and socially divided after four years of civil war, followed by the 1994 genocide of nearly a million people. Huge refugee flows of millions of people […]
The Emergence of a New Order? Resources and War in Eastern Congo
Koen Vlassenroot & Hans Romkema [1] 1. Introduction On the surface it seems that the present conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is all about gold, coltan, diamond and petrol rather than about security concerns, national power or political representation. For many reasons, the Congolese conflict has been presented as an illustration of the […]
Shrinking Humanitarian Space? Trends and Prospects on Security and Access
By Don Hubert and Cynthia Brassard-Boudreau Published November 24, 2010 The concept of humanitarian space is used to describe the situation where the changing nature of armed conflict and the geopolitical shifts, particularly since 9/11, have combined to limit or restrict the capacity of humanitarian organizations to safely and effectively provide material relief to populations […]
Counting excess civilian casualties of the Iraq War: Science or Politics?
By Maria Karagiozakis Published June 22nd, 2009 Civilians during times of war bear the consequences of deteriorating security and lack of safety, and ultimately fall victim of the circumstances. The 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of many Iraqi civilians. [2] Exact numbers however, are not known. As is common during […]

México receives help in Bitcoins to recover in the wake of the earthquake
The natural disasters that take place every year across the globe are many; some of them have a lower severity, while others are so devastating that they can level entire towns or cities, leaving in their path death and destruction. In 2017 it was Mexico that had to bear the fury of mother nature with […]